

  1. Let the circle consist of four, five, or six individuals, about the same number of each sex.
  2. Sit round an uncovered wooden table, with all the palms of the hands in contact with its top surface.
  3. Before the sitting begins, place some pointed lead-pencils and some sheets of clean writing paper on the table, to write down any communications that may be obtained.


People who do not like each other should not sit in the same circle, for such a want of harmony tends to prevent manifestations, except with well-developed physical mediums; it is not yet known why. Belief or unbelief has no influence on the manifestations, but an acrid feeling against them is a weakening influence…The first symptom of the invisible power at work is often a feeling like a cool wind sweeping over the hands. The first manifestations will probably be table tiltings or raps. The controlling spirit comes, takes the medium by the hand, and the medium leaves her natural body, and goes to her spirit home, where she is soon surrounded by her friends. Mrs. Everitt knows that she has not finally left her natural body, by the luminous blue life-cord, which goes from the back of her head, to the back of the head of the natural body. She also saw the spirit circle formed a little above the one in the natural world, and the spirits collecting the emanations from the sitters, and surrounding the medium with this luminous and comparatively solid substance. She saw how the spirit lights were produced, and how the spirit hands, arms, and faces were formed from this substance. From this material also the spirits formed a throat, mouth, and part of a face, and connected with this curious formation was a long tube coming from the medium. From the end of the tube issued a vapour, which was the breath of the medium, which the spirit used in connection with his extemporised apparatus to speak audibly in the natural world.